Featuring the
Lord's final
demonstration of truth for mankind,
which will be shown to the world during the
mark of the beast showdown
Your source of information
on Revealing God's Treasure
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Your web host Kevin Fisher left, with Ron Wyatt,
who made all the discoveries you will see on this website.
These discoveries changed Kevin's life in 1984, when he first met Ron
and saw these incredible discoveries in a church presentation.
These discoveries are a wake-up call to mankind,
regarding our soon judgment by God. Time to get ready!
Shabbat Night Live TV Programs

Michael Rood and Shabbat Night Live have hosted Kevin Fisher
who presented the discoveries in 11 programs. TV programs aired in 120
You may watch replays on YouTube or purchase a flash drive or DVDs from them:
3 new programs on the discovery of
the Ark of the Covenant:
Over two hours of video:
Link to purchase DVD from A Rood Awakening:
October 2020 Programs on exodus to Sinai:
Purchase DVD from A Rood Awakening:
SINAI: New Discoveries with Kevin Fisher – A Rood Awakening! International (roodstore.com)
Cairo to Nuweiba:
Nuweiba to Arabia:
Split Rock and Elim:
Mt. Sinai and Golden Calf Altar:
2017 Programs on all 5 discoveries:
Purchase DVDs from A Rood Awakening:
Ron Wyatt's Biblical Discoveries: "A.D. - Archaeology Discovered" – A Rood
Awakening! International (roodstore.com)
Ron Wyatt/Sodom & Gomorrah:
Red Sea Crossing/Mt Sinai:
Ark of Covenant:
Noah's Ark:
Subscribe to our YouTube
click here and
then click subscribe

Tips for traveling to
Saudi Arabia and Turkey
information here
Above: Group of us near Noah's ark, standing next to government
erected road sign in valley pointing to the ark.
New Color, Photo Book on the Discoveries!

FREE PDF of the book here:
Please share the link above on social media
New color photo book with many large photographs of the discovery sites. Mainly a
photo book, but goes into
detail in the ark of the covenant section. 8.5 x 11 inch size 154 pages,
with gloss paper.
Great for sharing and feasting
your eyes on these wonderful revelations of truth that God has brought out for
us to see. $29.00 Order here.
Support our 3.5 hour film Revealing God's Treasure
You can download it $10 or buy the
physical DVD $19

3.5 Hour film $10 or DVD $19.00
Order Here
SPECIAL: 10 DVDs for $99.00
Share with your friends & family

Host a billboard in your area.
Learn More
YouTube Video:
Billboard for Noah's Ark,
ArkDiscovery.com - YouTube
We are privileged to have a sneak preview of the discoveries
Soon the entire world will see them
Designed by the Lord to finish the
gospel work
Look at the evidence for yourself
and you will see the truth.
Your donations are appreciated
to assist the projects we are working on at this time.
we can issue
a tax deductible receipt by special request if needed for IRS
and it is a larger donation.
Latest News
at Ark Discovery:
Brimstone in display case now available
in our store
10 Commandment Tablet Replicas as described by Ron Wyatt
For Sale:
Interview with Pastor AJ on Ark of the Covenant
3 New Shabbat Night Live programs on Ark of the Covenant with
Kevin Fisher
Vertical Banner on the Ark of the Covenant
Download the free file here:
Have it printed at
www.bannersonthecheap.com size is 33x78
New one page flyer you can hand out to spread the word. Has
links to videos and our book.
You can print it locally or order from our
store. Around
17 cents each, shipped to USA.
New video from Oct. 2022 group tour to ALL the discovery sites
Bill Wyatt, Ron Wyatt's brother and his son were with us
Watch Bill offer communion at the Garden Tomb
It is on our flash drive or video download.
See store
Bible Studies Ron Wyatt would agree with which follow the Bible:
Five new videos on YouTube we uploaded recently:
Kevin Fisher and Jim Pinkoski on Ark of the Covenant
Jesslyn Johnson on the Discoveries
Billboard for Noah's Ark,
ArkDiscovery.com - YouTube
Jim Pinkoski's museum
video 1994, Ron Wyatt, Ark Discovery Studio - YouTube
Jim Pinkoski's books on
biblical beliefs of Ron Wyatt; Ark Discovery Studio - YouTube
Illustrated biblical books
that Ron Wyatt would endorse
on important
drawn by Jim Pinkoski who ran Ron's first and best museum:
Illustrated Evangelism (8 Book Set) by Jim Pinkoski (afbookstore.com)
Kevin Fisher visited Mount Sinai, split rock, Red Sea crossing
in Saudi Arabia in March 2020, and will had four programs on
Shabbat Night Live TV October 2020. See links above.
Our recent Noah's Ark video uploads to YouTube:
Noah's Ark Drone Video 2nd Edition:
TV Interview at Noah's Ark:
New video on the Ark of the Covenant, its discovery, produced
by ArkFiles.net, our friends Carl and Rebecca
Free videos and magazine in Mandarin:
Spanish: Los descubrimientos en español
Korean: 한국어로 발견
Our magazine is now available for free download in English:
Our book Revealing God's Treasure Illustrated is now in PDF format also
for download:
Johnson was a friend of Ron Wyatt and she shares with us her experiences
of speaking with him about the discoveries and gives her thoughts
New photos of the sea anchor stones.
Also includes translation of Armenian writing on one stone
Thamudic inscriptions at Jebel el Lawz were translated
and describe a MELTED CALF!
They are found next to the menorah that Dr. Kim discovered.
Dr. Robert C. Michelson, retired research scientist from
Georgia Tech
has visited the Noah's Ark site several times and has concluded it is
where the ark came to rest. See his videos
here. His bio is on Wikipedia.
Our Email update November 2017:
Make sure you are on our Vertical Response email list. Sign up is further
down page.
See photos from our visit to The Ark
Encounter, a life size Noah's ark
July 7, 2016 opening day
New high resolution, digital, resistivity scans have been done at Noah's ark.
See www.noahsarkscans.nz and scroll
down the page to see the images.
They agree with scans done by Ron Wyatt in 1985.
Joseph was Imhotep of Egypt who built the step
pyramid and had grain storage nearby.
New App available that features the discoveries called What is Truth?
See video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OeymhpN00E
Please support it by purchasing the app for $2.99
We did not develop it but a friend spent thousands of $ to promote the
Apple App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/id929965853
GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whatistruth.whatistruth
Magazine, 12 pages but covers the five major
100 magazines for $80.00, full color, gloss paper
Available NOW! Also in free PDF format

For the price of a postage stamp you can share these discoveries with friends
NOAH Movie Review by Jim Pinkoski who was a friend
of Ron's
Reasons to believe Ron Wyatt DID find the Ark of the
The Israel Antiquities Authority confirms that Ron Wyatt found
chambers during his excavation in the Garden Tomb grounds.
Henry Gruver saw the lab report on Jesus' blood,
and a professional document analyst verified its
The Garden Tomb Society prints a book with quotes from
General Gordon who discovered skull hill or Golgotha in 1880,
which quotes him as saying the ark of the covenant was hidden there.

Read Ron Wyatt's Testimony
2010 False discovery of Noah's Ark on Mt. Ararat:
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Kevin Fisher can present the discoveries in your church at no charge.

Above: Example of Ron Wyatt's kindness and sincerity
The forces of
darkness are threatened by these discoveries
and are
influencing men to reject what God has done.
How many people, leaders,
accepted Jesus in His day?
We cannot expect this
dark world to
embrace God's material.
Comment about the baseless critics:
"I studied both of the [negative]
sites you sent me regarding Ron Wyatt and his findings. Several things
bother me: First, it was difficult for me to parse the criticisms of the
actual archaeology as opposed to criticisms of the person and/or his
associates. The words shyster and fraud appear numerous times. Yet at
the same time I sense a kind of intellectual snobbery oozing from the
pages. It seems evident that criticism regarding official credentials
takes precedence over the substance of any actual discoveries. I find it
curiously bothersome that neither site gives Ron any credit for anything
positive whatsoever. That indicates to me that an ulterior agenda is at
work. Something which Ron represents is apparently offensive, therefore
the baby must be thrown out with the bathwater. They appear to have the
attitude that he is a boil on the butt of legitimate archaeology.
Further, broad sweeping generalizations are made about non-credentialed
“diggers.” I think that is irresponsible ad hominem and snobbery.
"The pictures of Sodom and Gomorrah, Mount Sinai and underwater wheels
and axels are by themselves an amazing revelation to me. Ron’s
explanation of the details using numerous biblical references also
impressed me as probably accurate. I find it particularly disturbing
that the AIG site failed to comment with any substance on these things.
Instead, extensive efforts seemed directed at discrediting the so-called
Noah’s Ark find and thereby discrediting Ron personally as well as
anything else he may have found.
"Finally, I find it extremely curious that the Tentmaker site would
comment with such distain on Ron’s claims to have found blood cells
which contained only 24 chromosomes. “That’s impossible”, says the
author. Really? Just stop and think—a virgin birth is also impossible,
resurrection is impossible, as are numerous other occurrences given in
the Bible. Maybe that is the point! To me, the author ends up sounding
like a pagan non-believer, even an atheist.
"It’s curious that Jesus picked a bunch of un-credentialed uneducated
men belonging to the lower class working stiffs (fishermen) to spread
the word about a radically different revelation of God. I’m sure the
elitist Pharisees and Sadducees had no end of ridicule for them. I also
find it instructive to recall numerous examples in scripture where God
arranged circumstances where part of an audience saw or heard something
significant while others saw or heard nothing unusual. The account of
Saul/Paul being struck down on the road to Damascus is just one example.
He heard the voice of Christ and perhaps a few others did also, yet
other people heard something else, perhaps something easily explained as
“natural” (Acts 22:9).
"I have no reason to defend or support the personage or heritage of Ron
Wyatt. My interest is in the findings, not the person. When I see the
kind of unbalanced criticisms referenced, it leads me to wonder what is
really going on behind the scenes. My suspicion is that Ron was a very
devoted believer who made several important discoveries supporting
biblical history. Mental illness?--I got no flavor of that on the
4 hour twenty minute DVD, but that does not completely rule it out of
course. I do not think it serves the Christian community well for
members to be so publicly maligning of Ron’s motives, character and
mental health. What may appear to some as fraud, deceit, delusions or
even hallucinations may not in fact be that at all. The apparent rancor
seems to me more consistent with fragile egos and prideful traditions
vying for recognition rather than diligent consideration using Christian
principles of charity, etc."
Michael Rood 22 min. video endorsing Ron Wyatt
Michael Rood on Ron Wyatt from Vimeo.

The Critics
The critics have attacked the discoveries and/or Ron
Wyatt for various reasons. Some do not have the faith to believe
that God can perform miracles in these last days. Others do not
believe that Ron Wyatt is telling the truth, (although we do not rely on
his word alone because we have seen the evidence for ourselves, except
the Ark of the Covenant.) Other
critics are inwardly jealous that one man could find all these
discoveries, but they are not considering that God was the source behind
the work. But can we expect the world to
believe what God is doing to prepare a show-and-tell demonstration for
mankind at the end of time? Satan is at work to counteract that
which God is doing, but we know God's purpose will be done in spite of
what the arch-deceiver is doing. Friend, please look at the
evidence and do not listen to the untruths that have been passed along
in an un-Christian manner over the Internet which are designed to attack
God's work.
The evidence is real and will allow one to decide for themselves if the discoveries are
from God or Satan. We don't have to wait for a scientific
community to tell us what is genuine, as they did not believe in the ark
before the Flood, and they still do not believe in it today. |
"Do not believe any of these discoveries, they are nothing but lies!"
It is amazing that some Christians are on the
side of Atheists,
attacking this wonderful material. Darkness wins.
Hello Friends:
Here near the end of time God
is providing evidence to validate the authenticity of the Bible. Most of the world today does
not believe in the Bible or Jesus. Before Jesus returns to take His
faithful home with Him, everyone on earth will take a stand for or against Him
in the way they worship.
These biblical, archaeological evidences of God's love and truth will play a major role in
displaying for the last time, God's true form of worship. The mark of the
beast will be presented, a false form and a true form of worship will be placed
before mankind, and only those who follow Jesus and His
commandments will be saved.
Kevin Fisher

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