Above: Jason cut this brimstone out of the material

Above: Brimstone with burn ring

Analysis of the Ash
God rained down upon these cities was so hot that
it burned the limestone blocks that were used in the construction of the cities.
The ash there today is composed of Calcium
Sulfate and Calcium Carbonate which are by-products of the limestone and
sulfur burning.
Everything in these cities burned and turned into
ash, including the buildings themselves as the Bible says that the cities were
to be destroyed also. The Bible told us that God rained down "fire
and brimstone" When God rains down fire, it is a consuming fire, just like
the time of Elijah when God sent down fire to destroy the stone altar, the
limestone buildings here were totally destroyed and turned into ash.

Above: The extremely high burning temperatures created a multi-shaded
layering of ash that was formed by thermal ionization, caused by electrons
repelling and attracting, creating a swirling effect in the remains.

Above: layers of multi-shaded ash, crumble in your hand.
Dead Sea and sphinx in rear
Cities Visible in Satellite Photos
The cities are almost entirely turned into white
ash, and can be seen in the satellite photographs below.

Notice each of the cities stand out from the
surrounding terrain because of the white ash contained within them. The city
of Zoar was a "little one" or a newly built city that was
square. As cities grew or expanded they quickly lost this square shape.
Genesis 10:19
indicates the five cities formed the Canaanite border, thus the could not have
been grouped together at the south end of the Dead Sea as popularly
believed. They form a north-south line along the Jordan/Dead Sea
area. Gomorrah is located at the base of Masada, and in 1998, additional
formations were found in Jordan on the opposite of the Dead Sea from Gomorrah in
the Lisan Peninsula,
including a large cemetery area containing 1,000,000 graves.
The same structures as found on the Israeli side were also found on the
Jordanian side - ash, brimstone and even ceramic tile.

Above - looking southwest at the southern end of the Dead Sea

Above - The northern end of the Dead Sea, looking southwest
Man-made Formations
Man-made formations are found in the cities, including
ziggurats, sphinxes, windows, arched doorways and walls resembling double
Canaanite city walls.

Above: On the left is a ziggurat and on the right a

Above: ziggurat shape on raised platform composed of
white material

Above: Ninety degree angles extending out from a wall
demonstrating unnatural architecture

Above: Arched doorway still stands today
Sphinx Shapes
Unique shapes are visible in the cities that are not found in
nature, including sphinx shapes like the ones below.

Above: This sphinx formation on a raised platform is about 40 feet long and was
made of a different whiter material than the surrounding platform. It may
have been a worship figure or god and was made of a special material. Masada
in rear.

Above: Another sphinx shape sits at the edge of the
city. They thought it would protect them, but it too
was consumed in the destruction of fire and brimstone.
Sulphur Crystals
The extreme heat caused unusual specimens that can be found in the
cities, including the creation of sulfur crystals. Below are photos of a
large slab of crystals found by our Ark Discovery Team.

Above: The top layer is a solid slab of sulfur crystals
created by a complete layer of
brimstone underneath that was burning, then turned to a liquid, then cooled down
leaving this layer of crystals. Approximately six feet long.

Above: Here we can see the brimstone underneath the
crystals that are on top.

Above: another shot of the brimstone underneath and the
crystals on top

Above: In another area, we found sulfur crystals which
are a remnant of the consumed brimstone.

Above: two feet in diameter clump of crystals.
Another group was found later when I
broke open a large clump "live" on video.

Above: more crystals resulting from the sulphur burning,
turning to liquid, and cooling into crystals
More evidence of the extreme heat was found.

Above: this specimen shows signs of having been melted,
with the upper portion
bubbling and the lower section pooled into a solid.

Above: Specimen that some people think resembles
bone, with the marrow in the middle. This looks similar to the specimens found
by Dr. Lennart Moller, author of The Exodus Case
A spear head and a cache of burned gold which is now gold salts,
burned bones, jars, and tile have also been found by others who have visited the
Most photos by Kevin Fisher.
View PAX Program on
this discovery
Read Ron Wyatt's
Research on this discovery